
Electronic tests for the fourth year

3 Jan 2024

The exam for community health nursing and nursing administration will be held for fourth-year students, and all students must adhere to following the following instructions:
1- All students are requested to be present tomorrow, God willing, at 11:30 at an industrial education complex in front of the electronic testing center.
2- From 11:30, all students hand over their belongings, including mobile phones and other items, to the deposit boxes at the entrance to the testing center in an industrial education complex. It is strictly forbidden for the student to have any personal belongings
in his possession.
3- The student must have proof of his identity and national number only.
4- The electronic examination committees will be as follows:
Hall: (1) from Commission 1:7
Hall:(2) from Jinnah 8:15
Hall: (4) From Al-Lajnah 16:24
On the second floor.
With our wishes of success to everyone