
Note for graduates of technical institutes of nursing 2021

18 Sep 2021

for the students of technical nursing certificates who applying to perform aptitude tests this year 2021, the electronic coordination website has been opened for students to register their desires to perform qualifying abilities tests for admission from Saturday,  9/18/2021 until Monday,  9/20/2021 .  all Students  must arrive at nine o'clock in the morning in the college. Important note: There will be no exceptions or other dates for exams
Steps for student registration to book an appointment for aptitude tests through the electronic coordination website: 
1. The student enters the coordination website, then to the registration page and book the aptitude tests using the following: 
a. Seating number and password for students of industrial technical schools. 
b. Coordination code and password for students of industrial technical institutes.
 2. The student's data will appear, which includes (the seat number - the student's name) and the student must ensure that the data recorded on the student's electronic coordination website is correct.
 3-The student will be shown a list of the types of aptitude tests available, colleges, places to take these tests, and the specified dates
4. The student chooses the type of abilities and the date  in which he will go to the college to take the test will be determined. 
 After the student finishes the registration process, the student prints a receipt that includes the types of abilities, dates, and places for taking exams in the faculties that the student has registered on the electronic coordination website